Top Data Privacy Software Brands

Data Privacy Software Brands

Finding the best data privacy software brand can be a daunting task.

There is such saturation in the market, with new brands popping every day.  And, each one claims they’re the best. But are they?

Should you trust the word and risk something as crucial as data privacy management? Certainly not!

Perhaps, this is why we have dived into the details and compiled the only best for you. 

We have evaluated each one and compared thoroughly from Segment to Ethyca data privacy software. So, everyone can find their idealistic match below. Read more to unravel!


Ethyca data privacy software

Ethyca data privacy software

Ethyca is a relatively new yet versatile data privacy software. Its feature-rich profile has helped many companies make work ten times easier and maximizes overall efficiency.

The tool focuses on six key aspects of data privacy management. These include:

  • Consent Management
  • Real-time Data Mapping
  • Automated Subject Requests
  • Subject Erase Handling
  • High-quality Templates
  • Compliance with privacy laws

Using all these, you can save all the valuable time and energy. Plus, the automation in all these aspects greatly increases accuracy.

You have to worry less about the risks and misunderstandings. From data mapping to compliance, this amazing data privacy software brand gets all the tasks done in a breeze.


OneTrust Brand


OneTrust ranks amongst the leading names owing to its comprehensive modules that promise admirable levels of customization and protection. Team leaders can conveniently manage and monitor IT risks, as well as those associated with third-party’s.

Plus, it offers one of the most economical monthly plans amongst the leading privacy software brands.

Perhaps the best part is you need not trust only words and risk investment. Instead, you can request a demo directly from the website and determine it yourself if you like the vibe and performance of the tool.


Cookiebot Brand


Cookies are a type of data storage technique used by websites. When a user agrees to cookies, the website stores small files (cookies) on the computer or device to identify you as a user. Thus, cookies are integral data collection tools.

Well, Cookiebot is a consent management platform that focuses on cookies.  It enables you to monitor all the cookies that you’ve used on your platform and track them.

The data privacy software brand offers three automated features, which includes:

  • Cookie consent
  • Cookie monitoring
  • Cookie control

It also helps form authentic compliance with privacy laws. Cookiebot tracks and stores all the data efficiently for transparent exchange. So, you won’t encounter any issues in compliance.


OvalEdge Brand


OvalEdge is your place to be if it’s an organized corporate safety that you seek. The tools assist companies in not only safeguarding their valuable data but also arranging it to bits.

It creates an orderly catalog of the company’s possessions to make asset discovery super easy. Plus, it also provides a collaborative experience, enabling users to find, assess, and share analytics within the team.

For easing their audiences’ growth and improving user experience, Oval Edge dedicates a lot of time to training sessions. It does so in the form of webinars, documentation, in-person training, and online sessions.

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