How do you become a model?

model business

The model business is a hotbed of activity.

Strong international competition and tough selection criteria – this reputation precedes the industry. Unfortunately, model beginners underestimate these aspects time and again. Every year, many boys and girls set out to become successful models. If you remain persistent, the dream can certainly come true.

Everywhere on the Internet, it says how to become a model. For those interested, this flood of information may be overwhelming and confusing at the same time. In this article, however, we want to give you the most important information and enough tips so that you know what is important and what to do, especially at the beginning.

  1. What qualities & skills should a prospective model have?
  2. What training is necessary?
  3. What do I have to do to be accepted by a model agency?

What qualities & skills should an aspiring model have?

Basically, aspiring models should meet certain criteria in three categories: Appearance & Figure, Skills, and Personality. Depending on what type of model you want to become, you will have to follow additional specifications within these categories.

For Fashion Models, the age limit is between 14 and 25 years.

Their minimum height starts at 1.75 m for female models and 1.84 m for male models. However, the demand for skinny models is decidedly decreasing. Both females and males tend to have androgynous, special facial features. High cheekbones and a well-groomed appearance are important.

Commercial models are active in advertising. They are seen by a wide mass of people. In order to please as many as possible and thereby boost sales, commercial models are usually typical beauties who fit into the prevailing ideal of beauty. However, age, height, and weight are rather irrelevant, since each order requires a different type.

With the current social changes, a rethinking is also taking place in the modeling industry.

In large parts of the modeling world, people are increasingly saying goodbye to the clichés of beauty that have prevailed up to now. Models with charming flaws, such as a gap between their teeth, a birthmark, or protruding ears, are in demand. Being different is beautiful! Aspiring models should always keep this in mind and confidently use their flaws to their advantage, possibly even declaring them as their own trademark – à la Cara Delevingne with her striking eyebrows. Especially as a new face model, you should position yourself well and be clear about your qualities. Because only those who can stand out or differentiate themselves from others will leave a lasting impression on agents, scouts, designers, and corporate clients. If you also radiate from within and are authentic, your chances of landing a future job increase. Thus, it is quite possible that amateurs (people) with little or no modeling experience are booked for engagements. They convince with their impressive personality and their individual style.

In the area of skills, it is important for up-and-coming models that they enjoy presenting themselves to an audience and are willing to slip into different roles as well as change their appearance. Acting skills do not necessarily have to be perfect, as acting courses can be taken to help, or they automatically learn from assignment to assignment and become more experienced. However, a good sense of body is a prerequisite for moving naturally in front of the camera or on the catwalk.

In addition to certain skills, aspiring models should also have special character traits. Since beginners do not have the experience and professionalism of advanced models at the beginning, discipline and ambition are basic requirements for continuous development. Being able to take criticism makes the situation much easier. However, you should have healthy self-confidence so that you don’t buckle under all the pressure and become insecure. Young talents should also be open-minded and enjoy traveling. If you work in another country, foreign language skills are still an advantage.

If you don’t know for sure whether you have a good chance as a model, you can ask model agents or scouts at open castings for an assessment.

fashion model

What training is necessary?

Models are not born overnight. It takes a lot of training to appear confidently in front of customers and audiences, to move naturally in front of the camera, and to call up the perfect posing at the right time.
Throughout the USA, there are many private modeling schools and coaching that teach models in various areas. These courses are usually part-time and are not compulsory in any way, but many girls and boys take up their offers voluntarily.

In the beginning, these types of courses are useful for getting the basics.

For example, once a candidate is accepted into an agency’s model roster, he or she is sent to runway training and test shoots. He also learns how to behave at castings and what to keep in mind when dealing with future clients.
If in the course of one’s career, one has the feeling that one would like to optimize one’s skills in a certain discipline or develop in a certain direction, such as acting, experienced model coaches can help in advanced courses.
If you are looking on your own for suitable model schools or coaching courses that are not offered in cooperation with your own agency, you should be careful. In advance, you should definitely check whether the course is professionally structured and the instructor can demonstrate relevant experience.

These are the most common course contents for aspiring models:

  • Nutrition
  • Fitness
  • Make-up
  • Posing (posture, facial expressions, and gestures)
  • Appearance
  • Casting
  • photo shooting
  • Fashion
  • Contract components (serious vs. fraudulent)

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